Angel: How to invest in technology startups#

Started on 2022-07-12; updated on 2022-08-03

by Jason Calacanis

Started on July 11, 2022; Completed on August 2, 2022.

Personal rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

很早就听说过“天使投资”这个名词,但直到读了这本书才开始真正了解天使投资的概念是什么,以及天使投资者是怎样的一群人。作者也很好心地科普了一下初创公司从诞生到IPO上市的各个阶段可能会经历的投资类别。作为一名异常成功的天使投资人 (作者“自诩”自己可能是史上前5的天使投资人),作者非常详细地科普了投资初创公司的知识,天使投资的概念,并细致地介绍了如何从零开始实践天使投资。模仿很多介绍编程的书籍,或许本书书名可以译作「天使投资: 从入门到精通」或者更直白一点:「变十万为一亿: 手把手教你做天使投资」 😅



last updated on: 2022-07-31

  • You can make your own luck in this life by putting yourself next to the people who are already winning.

  • When I write,Im Zeus on Mount Olympus; looking down on myself acting out the play of my life, with a massive distance causing a unique perspective that simply listening doesn’t provide.

  • It sucks to lose, but the more time and energy you put into your losses, the more you will feel like a loser. Instead, you should have been quadrupling down on your winners and spending more time on them.

  • If poute constantly learning and working hard–two things that are in your control–good things will happen. This goes equally for founders and investors, which is why my reality show catchphrase is going to be “Do the work.”