Modern JavaScript Explained#

JS package management (npm)#

  • why: to overcome the cumbersomeness how conventional JS program install, load 3rd party packages

  • node_modules folder is the place where 3rd party packages are installed and located; while packages.json file specifies the package dependencies with corresponding versions

    • with only package.json file and npm install command, all the dependencies will be installed without sharing the node_modules folder, which can be very large

JS module bundler (webpack)#

  • what: to assist import and export code/module/package across JS files, without resorting to global variables (as is done with the “old-school” JS way)

  • on the server side, node.js has become the population implementation of CommonJS

  • on the browser side (front end) it works differently since browser doesn’t have access to the file system and this is where the module bundler comes in

  • A JavaScript module bundler is a tool that gets around the problem with a build step (which has access to the file system) to create a final output that is browser compatible (which doesn’t need access to the file system). It finds all require statements and replace them with the actual contents of each required file. The final result is a single bundled JS file.

  • how it works: after installation, it can be used as follows

    $ ./node_modules/.bin/webpack index.js --mode=development
    • This statement runs the webpack tool installed in the node_modules folder, start with the index.js file, find any require statements, and replace them with the appropriate code to create a single file (by default is dist/main.js)

  • To avoid the tediousness of running above command with all the options every time when index.js is updated, we can use webpack.config.js to specify all the options inside and only run the following command (better but still tedious)

    $ ./node_modules/.bin/webpack

Transpiling code for new language features (babel)#

  • Transpiling code means converting the code in one language to code in another similar language.

  • This is an important part of frontend development — since browsers are slow to add new features, new languages were created with experimental features that transpile to browser compatible languages.

  • For transpiling, nowadays most people use babel or TypeScript

    • We can configure webpack to use babel-loader through webpack.config.js

npm scripts (task runner)#

  • why: to automate different parts of the build process, e.g. run webpack whenever the index.js file gets updated

  • This is done through specifying some option under scripts section in package.json file

    • Note that the scripts in package.json can run webpack without having to specify the full path ./node_modules/.bin/webpack, since node.js knows the location of each npm module path.