Structural: e.g. \(x \ \&\ x^2\), interaction term and the main effect included in the interaction term
Data: by nature two variables are correlatd
Inference of covariate
\(\beta\) becomes sensitive to small change in the model
imprecise (i.e. large s.e.) of \(\beta\rightarrow\) large p-value, low power
NO effect on goodness-of-fit nor on model prediction
VIF: variance inflation factor of variable \(x_i\), higher the worse (usually < 5 is moderate), is defined as:
\[\text{VIF}_i = \frac{1}{1-R_i^2}\]where \(R_i^2\) is the coefficient of determination when regression \(X_i\) on the rest of the indepdent variables.
Treatment #
Structural: standardize indepndent variable, e.g. \(X' = X - \bar{X}\)
Variables that are not of interest: no need to worry
Variables that are of interest:
remove some of the highly correlated variables
Linearly combine the variables, e.g. adding them together
PCA or PLSR (partial least squares regression, ?)